WHAT WE HAVE ON THIS PAGE Introduction Apple Statistics: Hundreds of products are available on the global Apple market, so we need clarification about which one to buy. This article will clear all your doubts about this brand as it includes several insights, current trends, and segmental analyses that will guide you better about the market. So, let’s dive into the paper and understand different product statistics and other interesting factors. All the details will help you discover your best Apple product. Editor’s Choice Global revenue earned by Apple was USD 383.29 billion in the financial year 2023, and almost 52% came from iPhone sales. In the 1st quarter of 2024, Apple’s estimated revenue will be around USD 119.6 billion. In the United States, net sales generated by Apple’s was approximately USD 50.43 billion in the 1st quarter of 2023. By March 2024, the U.S. expects to have above 42% of Apple’s net sales, followed by Europe with a 25% share. California will have the highest number of Apple stores, up to approximately 54 by October 2023. The Smartphone segment owned almost 20.5% of Apple’s market share. Apple’s total total brand value was approximately USD 880.5 billion. In 2023, iPhone sales have declined from last year, resulting in 231.3 million units. Around 161 thousand full-time employees were only available in the company by 2023 end. By the end of 2025, Apple’s service revenue is predicted to be USD 50 billion. What is Apple? Apple, Inc. is an American electronic multinational company that manufactures computers, iPhones, iPads, wearables, accessories, services, etc. The headquarters of Apple is in Cupertino, California, U.S.A., which was founded as a partnership by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne on April 1, 1976. This is also one of the largest companies around the world with an above USD 2 trillion market capitalization. General Apple’s statistics According to a report published by Statista, Apple is known to be the 2nd most valuable brand globally, and its estimated brand valuation was USD 297.5 billion in the 3rd quarter of 2023. The U.S. has a total number of active iPhone units of 153 million in 2023. Apple has generated around USD 41.1 billion in revenue by selling wearables and accessories. It is supposed that by the end of 2024, Apple’s profit expansion will be 7.6%. Almost 35% of people will use Apple iPhones and watches in 2024. By 2027, India is going to assemble up to 50% of iPhones. The company has more than 1 50,000 active employees globally, of which males and females share 61% and 38%, respectively. As of 2023, Apple earns around USD 1,820 in each second. By Revenue Apple’s quarterly generated revenue in 2023 are 1st quarter (USD 117.1 billion), 2nd quarter (USD 94.8 billion), 3rd quarter (USD 81.7 billion), and 4th quarter (USD 89.4 billion). In the 1st quarter of 2024, Apple’s estimated revenue will be around USD 119.6 billion. iPhone’s quarterly revenue generated in 2023 are 1st quarter (USD 65.77 billion), 2nd quarter (USD 51.33 billion), 3rd quarter (USD 39.6 billion),4th quarter (USD 43.8 billion), 1st quarter of 2024 (USD 69.7 billion). iPad’s quarterly revenue earned in 2023 are Q1 (USD 9.39 billion), Q2 (USD 6.67 billion), Q3 (USD 5.79 billion), Q4 (USD 6.44 billion), and it is expected that in 2024 by 1st quarter revenue is expected to be USD 7.02 billion. Quarterly revenue generated by Mac in 2023 is followed by Q1 (USD 7.7 billion), Q2 (USD 7.1 billion), Q3 (USD 6.84 billion), Q4 (USD 7.6 billion), and 1st quarter of 2024 (USD 7.7 billion). By 2023, global revenue generated by Apple services accounted for USD 85.1 billion and is expected to cross USD 23.1 billion by the 1st quarter of 2024. By Region As of 2023, Apple’s highest revenue was generated by America, resulting in USD 162.5 billion. Furthermore, other regions generated revenue, followed by Europe (USD 94.2 billion), China (USD 72.5 billion), Japan (USD 24.2 billion), and the Rest of Asia Pacific (USD 29.6 billion). By Products (Reference: mspoweruser.com) According to a report by M.S.M.S. Power User, 88% of people globally have one iPhone. Other product usage share is followed by iPad (73%), Mac computer (50%), and Apple Watch (58%). 35%of the global market share was accounted for by Apple’s tablet in 2023. While the Smartphone segment owned 20.5% of the share. On the other hand, in the global P.C.P.C. market, Mac accounts for a market share of 7.2%. iPhone Statistics According to a report published by Demand Sage, in 2023, there will be around 1.46 billion active iPhone users available in the global market and expected to reach above 1.56 billion by 2024 end. Approximately 135.97 million users were available in the U.S. In 2024, 28.8% of smartphone shares globally belong to iPhone. Meanwhile, other countries market share are U.S.U.S. (61.3%), China (22.37%), and India (4.02) In 2023, iPhone sales have declined from last year, resulting in 231.3 million units. The highest sales of iPhones accounted for by the Americas was 98.1 million units. Other region’s sales units are Europe (56.8 million), China (43.7 million), Japan (14.6 million), and the Rest of Asia Pacific (17.8 million). According to Apple Statistics, iPhone sales are 849.450 per day, 35,393 (per hour), 590 (per minute), and 10 (per second) (Source: demandsage.com) Male and female users share of iPhones are 51% and 49% respectively. The most popular age group users lie between 16 years and 34 years. (Reference: demandsage.com) In 2023, the worldwide market share of the iPhone was 27.6%. The highest market share was accounted for by the North American region, resulting in 54.76%. Other regions market shares are followed by South America (14.33%), Asia (15.94%), Europe (35.84%), Oceania (55.55%), and Africa (14.18%). iPhone App Statistics by Revenue (Reference: bigohtech.com) The top popular iPhone Apps in 2023 are Honor of Kings, TikTok, Youtube, and P.U.B.G. Mobile, with revenue earned of USD 1.652 billion, USD 1.379 billion, USD 1.058 billion, and USD 0.936 billion, respectively. Other apps revenue share are Genshin Impact (USD 0.922 billion), Tinder (USD 0.641 billion), Candy Crush Saga (USD 0.4989 billion), Disney+ (USD 0.4983 billion), Robolox (USD 0.491 billion), and Romance Three Kingdoms (USD 0.455 billion). iPhone Price Statistics (Source: statista.com) iPad statistics By 1st quarter end of 2024, almost 5.87% to 6% of the company’s total revenue share was accounted for by iPad. In 2023, quarterly revenue shares of iPad were followed by 1st quarter (8.02%), 2nd quarter (7.03%), 3rd quarter (7.08%), and 4th quarter (7.2%). In the 1st quarter of 2023, Apple iPad shipments dominated the market with a 50% share, resulting in 10.8 million units. According to a report published by Statcounter in 2023, region-wise market share of iPads was Japan (75.64%), Oceania (78.1%), North America (55.8%), Europe (49.32%), Denmark (76.07%), Canada (67.45%), and Norway (66.65%). Recently, 50% of iPads have been working under the latest iPadOS 16. Popular share of iPad models 11-inch and 12.9-inch versions (44%), 10.2-inch iPad (26%), iPad Air (19%), and iPad Mini (7%). In the United States, almost 56% of businesses use Apple iPads. The highest-grossing app in the U.S.U.S. is Robolox Apple Mac Statistics According to a report published by Statista, by the 1st quarter of 2024, sales revenue by Apple Mac computers will be USD 7.78 billion. By the end of 2023, global shipments of Mac recorded 5.9 million units. As of 2024, more than 100 million Mac users are available worldwide. Mac has sold out 10% of laptops and personal computers to date. MacOS Catalina dominates the global market with a share of 87.44% in January 2023. In the United States, MacOS is 2nd most popular operating system, with a share of 30%. Women are the highest users, with a 66% share. Meanwhile, in the U.S., 31% of Millennials are using MacBooks. 53% of MacBook users residing in small towns and rural users in America On the other hand, 87% of engineering professionals are using this device in their work field. Apple Pay Statistics Recently, in the United States, 85% of merchants are using the payment method by Apple Pay. As of 2023, total users of Apple Pay accounted for 48.7 million. Meanwhile, global users are going to increase in the coming years, such as in 2024 (51.5 million), 2025 (54.2 million), and 2026 (56.7 million). Generation share statistics by Apple Pay are Gen Z (73.1%), Bridge Millennial (51.1%), Millennial (52.4%), and Baby Boomers (43.9%). The maximum…